Your Gifts Are Saving Lives in South Asia: See Who You Are Helping

By Send Relief Staff

Mr. Viraj was notorious for being hostile to Christians in his district. He was convinced that followers of Jesus did not have his community’s best interests at heart. In fact, he had convinced his entire village to also adopt anti-Christian views.

That is, until you helped Send Relief bring clean drinking water to them.

Theirs was one of 25 communities in the region that received a water well in the last year. Mr. Viraj was shocked when a local church planter explained that there were no costs or loop holes for them to receive access to a clean water well—it was freely given.

Today, eight villagers, including Mr. Viraj, have responded to Jesus’ calling on their lives and are now attending weekly prayer meetings to ask for God to bring even more believers into the community.

Here are the faces of the villagers who now have access to clean water—and the Living Water—to for the very first time because of your gifts.

Published May 4, 2022

Send Relief Staff