Toronto Ministry Center

Famous for its ethnic and cultural diversity, Toronto is also known as “the Big Smoke” because of its industrial success. Send Relief is dedicated to helping the many students, immigrants and laborers who migrate here find hope in Christ as they join the city’s workforce.



Toronto is the most diverse city in North America, packed to the brim with world-famous sports teams, respected universities and competitive global companies. Because of Toronto’s rich ethnic and cultural background, Send Relief’s ministry center is specifically dedicated to mobilizing individuals and churches to meet the tangible needs of international immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area by serving those experiencing poverty and navigating the difficult migration process.



What We Do

Send Relief’s Toronto Ministry Center, based in Hamilton—often referred to as Toronto West or Canada’s Brooklyn—focuses on addressing poverty, homelessness, food insecurity and the needs of refugees and newcomers. With a vision inspired by Isaiah 61:1-4, the center aims to bring good news to the poor, heal the brokenhearted and proclaim liberty to captives. Emphasizing community strengthening and care for refugees, the center operates a “Better Together Initiative” that connects newcomers with local churches for support and integration. Hamilton’s diverse population, including a significant number of refugees, presents unique opportunities for the center to serve and reflect the community’s diversity in its leadership and initiatives, including affordable housing projects and comprehensive support for assimilating into Canadian society.


Kimberley McGibbon

Kimberley McGibbon's heart for people in the margins of society, as well as her extensive experience in entrepreneurship and compassionate leadership, have well equipped her to serve as Send Relief's Toronto Ministry Center Director. With 20 years of ministry experience as a church planter's wife, McGibbon has previously served as a champion for both Send Toronto and the Canadian National Baptist Convention. She is married to Jason McGibbon, lead pastor of The Hamilton Fellowships—the most recent of their three church plants—and is a loving mother to four adult children: Daniel, Liam, Caroline, and T.J. Before starting a family, planting churches and engaging with other service opportunities, McGibbon started her own special events company in which she helped to merge organizations, grow small businesses and lead her team well as Vice President, eventually making her company the largest special events business in all of Canada.

Partner as a church