ESL Classes

Teaching English as a second language is a wonderful way to build relationships with families who have recently arrived in America. Send Relief can equip your church to host ESL programs that will foster meaningful connections.


(Care for Refugees – North America)


While immigration may seem to many like a hot-button political topic, it is actually a chance for the Church to do what we are called to do—take care of those in need and extend unconditional love. Today, immigrants from around the world make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population and 20% of Canada’s. An estimated one in seven people who reside in the United States is from another nation, and millions of these immigrants have limited English proficiency.

You can make a difference in the lives of immigrants in your community—whether they are professionals, students or refugees. Use English as a Second Language classes to help meet immigrants’ basic needs and share the hope of the gospel with them.

Download this helpful resource to get started.


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